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comp., MS Arrived
industr. construct. met. blowdown; settle blow
met. blow in; blowing in; lighting up; light up
agric. put to; yoke
IT lab.law. tightening
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
buitenkant van | de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
- only individual words found

to phrases
aanblazen v
industr., construct., met. blowdown; settle blow
met. to blow in; blowing in; lighting up; to light up
aanstorten v
agric. marking lands; ploughing out; scratch furrow; setting out
construct. to fill up
aanspannen v
agric. to put to; to yoke
IT, lab.law. tightening
Aangekomen v
comp., MS Arrived (" A "scheduled" service activity status that denotes the customer has arrived at the location of the service activity, but that the resource has not begun the service activity.")
aan de buitenkant van de
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects