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comp., MS Arrived
industr. construct. met. blowdown; settle blow
met. blow in; blowing in; lighting up; light up
agric. put to; yoke
IT lab.law. tightening
| bederf
mater.sc. decay
onderhevige goederen
- only individual words found

to phrases
aanblazen v
industr., construct., met. blowdown; settle blow
met. to blow in; blowing in; lighting up; to light up
aanstorten v
agric. marking lands; ploughing out; scratch furrow; setting out
construct. to fill up
aanspannen v
agric. to put to; to yoke
IT, lab.law. tightening
Aangekomen v
comp., MS Arrived (" A "scheduled" service activity status that denotes the customer has arrived at the location of the service activity, but that the resource has not begun the service activity.")
aan bederf onderhevige
: 10 phrases in 6 subjects
Food industry1
Health care2