
   Dutch English
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gen. dispersion
earth.sc. disgregation
el. diffusion
environ. dissipation; distribution
life.sc. dissemination; plant dissemination
med. spread
met. deflocculation
| en
agric. el. inoculation
| exploitatie van
 exploitatie van
environ. resource exploitation
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
- only individual words found

to phrases
verspreiding m
gen. dispersion
earth.sc. disgregation
el. diffusion
environ. dissipation; distribution In an environmental context, the term refers to the dispersion of air pollutants and depends on the type of pollution source (point source, line source, diffuse source), the wind velocity and the wind direction. Distribution can be active or passive
life.sc. dissemination; plant dissemination
med. spread
met. deflocculation
work.fl., IT distribution
Verspreiding en exploitatie van de: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Materials science3
Natural sciences1