
   Dutch English
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comp., MS enterprise
construct. company; firm
econ. type of business; undertaking
econ. commer. industr. enterprise
econ. industr. construct. industry
environ. firm; firm; firms
| op het gebied van
 op het gebied van
law in the sphere of
financieringen | het
commun. N
spaarwezen | en
agric. el. inoculation
speciale leningen
- only individual words found

to phrases
onderneming f
comp., MS enterprise (An organization with more than 1000 employees and more than 500 personal computers)
construct. company; firm
econ. type of business; undertaking
econ., commer., industr. enterprise
econ., industr., construct. industry
environ. undertaking business; undertaking business Any commercial activity, position or site associated with the preparation of the dead for burial and the management and arrangement of funerals
ondernemingen f
environ. firm A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when incorporated; firm; firms
social.sc. corporations
Onderneming f
gen. Enterprise
Onderneming op het gebied van
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
Social science1