
Google | Forvo | +
comp., MS Documents
gen. document
arts. document
commun. tech. logical record
comp., MS doc
environ. document
| ST
construct. to upholster
9999 99 INIT | moet
immigr. tech. dent
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
verspreidingsmarkering | LIMITE
polit. engl. LIMITE
| dragen
transp. load-bearing chassis of vehicle
- only individual words found

to phrases
document n
gen. document (Written, typed, electronically produced, or printed information)
arts. document
commun., tech. logical record
comp., MS doc (Any self-contained piece of work created with an application program and, if saved on disk, given a unique filename by which it can be retrieved)
environ. document Material of any kind, regardless of physical form, which furnishes information, evidence or ideas, including items such as contracts, bills of sale, letters, audio and video recordings, and machine readable data files
documenten n
patents. documents
Documenten n
comp., MS Documents (The link to the free online workspace for accessing, editing, and sharing Excel, Word, PowerPoint and OneNote documents across your PC, smartphone, and web browser)
Document ST 9999/99 INIT moet de verspreidingsmarkering "LIMITE
: 1 phrase in 1 subject