
   Dutch English
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gen. instant
| benaming
agric. food.ind. designation
transp. description
| laat
nat.sc. life.sc. serotinal; serotine; serotinous
| de
commun. N
earth.sc. Dec
IT demount
standpunten | over
IT carry
| de status
 de status
gen. the status
van | Kosovo
econ. Kosovo
| onverlet
gen. without prejudice
| en
agric. el. inoculation
is | in
gen. within
| overeenstemming
math. conformity
| met
hydraul. measure
| resolutie
econ. resolution
1244 van | de VN
 Eén VN
econ. environ. UN delivering as one
| Veiligheidsraad
gen. Security Council
| en
agric. el. inoculation
| het
commun. N
| advies
arts. advice
van | het
commun. N
| Internationaal Gerechtshof
 Internationaal Gerechtshof
econ. International Court of Justice
| over
IT carry
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
onafhankelijkheidsverklaring van | Kosovo
econ. Kosovo
- only individual words found

to phrases
dezer adj.
gen. instant (currente mense, currentis, currentis mensis, ejusdem mensis, hoc mense, hujus mensis, mensis currentis)
Deze benaming laat de: 1 phrase in 1 subject