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dentice m
fish.farm. Rosa Zahnbrasse (Dentex gibbosus)
nat.res., fish.farm. kanarische Zahnbrasse (Dentex canariensis); Zahnbrasse m (Dentex dentex); Angola-Zahnbrasse m (Dentex angolensis); Kongo-Zahnbrasse m (Dentex congoensis)
nat.sc., agric. Kanarische Zahnbrasse (Cheimerius canariensis, Dentex canariensis (Steindachner), Cheimerius canariensis, Dentex canariensis (Steindachner)); Großaugenzahnbrasse f (Dentex macrophthalmus, Polysteganus macrophthalmus, Dentex macrophthalmus, Polysteganus macrophthalmus)
dentici m
nat.res., fish.farm. Zahnbrassen m (Dentex spp.)
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture4
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation5
Natural sciences2