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law Internal rules of procedure
gen. Regulation
econ. regulation; regulation
environ. regulation
law by-law
law polit. draft regulation
| n
commun. receive sequence number; N
2201 2003 | del
gen. some
| Consiglio
law commun. gen. advice
| relativo
gen. relative
alla | competenza
comp., MS competency
al | riconoscimento
comp., MS recognition
| e
med. redox potential
all | esecuzione
fin. execution for debt
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
regolamento m
econ. regulation EU (UE)
law, polit. draft regulation
regolamento v
gen. Regulation
econ. regulation
environ. regulation The act of regulating; a rule or order prescribed for management or government; a regulating principle; a precept. Rule of order prescribed by superior or competent authority relating to action on those under its control
law by-law
polit. Rules of Procedure
Regolamentointernodelle istituzioni od organi comunitari v
law Internal rules of procedure
regolamento n. 2201/2003 del Consiglio relativo alla competenza, al riconoscimento e all'esecuzione: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Procedural law2