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diritto all 'informazione
 diritto all’informazione
ed. right to information
 diritto all'informazione
econ. right to information
environ. right to information
h.rghts.act. commun. right of information
| ed
med. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
all | istruzione
econ. education
2 | diritto
environ. rights
alla | tutela
econ. guardianship
| della
gen. some
| salute
health. health
| e
med. redox potential
| della
gen. some
| sicurezza
environ. safety
| 3)d
comp., MS 3-D
- only individual words found

to phrases
diritto all'informazione
econ. right to information
environ. right to information The individual's right to know in general about the existence of data banks, the right to be informed on request and the general right to a print-out of the information registered and to know the actual use made of the information
h.rghts.act., commun. right of information
law, IT right of access; right to access; right to be informed; right to know
diritto all’informazione
ed. right to information
diritto all 'informazione ed all'istruzione,2)diritto alla tutela della salute e della sicurezza,3: 1 phrase in 1 subject