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costi fissi
 costi fissi
construct. business expenses
econ. sunk costs
fin. fixed costs; fixed charges
insur. oncost
IT dat.proc. one-time costs
mater.sc. el. fixed cost
 costo fisso
comp., MS fixed cost
| medi
agric. average

to phrases
costi fissi
construct. business expenses; general and administrative costs; overhead cost; overhead expenses; overheads
econ. sunk costs
fin. fixed costs; fixed charges; indirect costs
insur. oncost
IT, dat.proc. one-time costs
mater.sc., el. fixed cost
costo fisso
comp., MS fixed cost (A cost that does not vary with changes in product delivery throughput or output)
econ., account., commer. fixed costs; fixed expenses; regular expenses
costi fissi: 13 phrases in 5 subjects
Materials science1