
   Italian English
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gen. Swiss farm Work Association
gen. if; whether
el. angle of elevation; angle of sight; elevation pointing angle
gen. himself; itself
| la
gen. it
| respirazione
environ. respiration
| è
med. redox potential
| difficile
med. difficult graft by a flap method
| trasportare
comp., MS transport
| l
tech. Length
| infortunato
health. accident victim
all | aria
med. air
| aperta
comp., MS open
| e
med. redox potential
mantenerlo | a riposo
 a riposo
dialys. at rest
| in
med. inosine
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
SA m
gen. Swiss farm Work Association
sito v
el. angle of elevation; angle of sight; elevation pointing angle
gen. himself; itself
med. self
gen. if; whether
 Italian thesaurus
So abbr.
abbr., met. sezione iniziale della provetta
SEE adj.
law Spazio Economico Europeo
gen. Sua Eccellenza (gorbulenko)
abbr., tech. sud-est
abbr., tech. selenio
Se la respirazione è difficile, trasportare l'infortunato all' aria aperta e mantenerlo a riposo in: 2 phrases in 1 subject