
   Italian English
Google | Forvo | +
bank. decree; resolution; order
econ. decision
environ. decision; ruling; ruling; decision
law min.prod. award
2008 616 | GAI
transp. gate
| del
gen. some
| Consiglio
law commun. gen. advice
| del
gen. some
23 | giugno
gen. June
2008 | relativa
gen. relative
all | attuazione
environ. enforcement
| della
gen. some
| decisione
bank. decree
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
decisione f
econ. decision; decision EU (UE)
environ. ruling A judicial or administrative interpretation of a provision of a statute, order, regulation, or ordinance. May also refer to judicial determination of admissibility of evidence, allowance of motion, etc. (interpretazione amministrativa o giudiziaria); decision Means the exercise of agency authority at any stage of an undertaking where alterations might be made in the undertaking to modify its impact upon historic and cultural properties (determinazione)
law, min.prod. award
stat. decision making; determination
decisione interpretazione amministrativa o giudiziaria f
environ. ruling
decisione determinazione f
environ. decision
decisione adj.
bank. decree; resolution; order
Decisione 2008/616/GAI del Consiglio , del 23 giugno 2008, relativa all'attuazione della decisione: 3 phrases in 1 subject
Criminal law3