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Convenzione sul diritto del mare
 Convenzione sul diritto del mare
transp. fish.farm. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea; Law of the Sea Convention
| relativo
gen. relative
agli | stock ittici transzonali
 stock ittici transzonali
fish.farm. straddling fish stocks; straddling fishery resources; straddling stocks
| e
med. redox potential; oxidation-reduction potential; glutamic acid; α-aminoglutaric acid
agli | stock ittici
 stock ittico
fish.farm. fish stock
| altamente
gen. highly
| migratori
med. migrant

to phrases
Convenzione sul diritto del mare
transp., fish.farm., UN Convention on the Law of the Sea; Law of the Sea Convention
Convenzione sul diritto del mare relativo agli stock ittici transzonali e agli stock ittici altamente migratori
: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture2
International law4
Name of organization3
United Nations1