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Comitato consultivo
 comitato consultivo
gen. advisory committee
econ. advisory committee
ed. Advisory Forum of the European Training Foundation; Advisory Forum; ETF Advisory Forum
| per
gen. for; to
| l
tech. Length; liter; litre
| adeguamento tecnico
 adeguamenti tecnici
fin. tax. technical adaptations
| della
gen. some
| procedura comunitaria
 procedura comunitaria
fin. Community procedure
| sulla
agric. engl. sulla
| trasparenza
comp., MS Fade
dei prez
- only individual words found

to phrases
comitato consultivo della Fondazione europea per la formazione professionale
ed. Advisory Forum of the European Training Foundation; Advisory Forum; ETF Advisory Forum
comitato consultivo
gen. advisory committee
econ. advisory committee EU (UE)
comitato consultivo...
social.sc. Child Care and Protection Advisory Board
Comitato consultivo per l'adeguamento tecnico della procedura comunitaria sulla trasparenza dei: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Energy industry1