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 English thesaurus
SLAP [slæp] abbr.
abbr. Salt Lake Asian Pacific; Smells Like A Party
abbr., avia. service life assessment program
abbr., comp., net. Serial Line Access Protocol
abbr., el. small-signal linear analysis program; spectral lens analysis program; subscriber line access protocol; symbolic language assembly program
abbr., el., scient. Staggered Layered Audio Protection
abbr., law Strategic Lawsuit Against Public; Strategic Litigation Against Protesters
abbr., med. Superior Labrum Anterior To Posterior
abbr., media. Sound Looks And Performance
abbr., mil. Saboted Light Armour Penetrating
abbr., mil., avia. saboted light armour penetrator
abbr., physiol. Superior, Labrum, Anterior, Posterior
abbr., physiol., med. Superior Labral Anterior Posterior; Superior Labrum Anterior And Posterior; Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior
abbr., relig. Share Learn And Pray; Sing Loud And Pray; Social Lutherans At Play
abbr., scottish Saboted Light Armor Penetrator; Service-Life Assessment Programme
abbr., securit. self-liquidating asset purchase
mil. sabot-discarding light armor penetrator; service life analysis program; sight line autopilot
SLAPs abbr.
abbr., med. superior labrum anterior-posterior tears
SLAP [slæp] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. standard light antarctic precipitation
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Earth sciences1