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gen. аиҿырцаара еиҿирцааит; а-ҭаҵара иҭеиҵеит
о цене устраивать v
gen. а-нагӡара инаигӡеит
 Russian thesaurus
устраивать v
gen. опуститься до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com ART Vancouver); упасть до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
: 11 phrases in 2 subjects