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verb | verb | to phrases
устраиваться vstresses
gen. соз шудан; ба тартиб даромадан; дуруст шудан; муқим шудан; ҷой гирифтан; дохил шудан; даромадан; сохта шудан; барпо карда шудан; соз карда шудан; дуруст карда шудан; ҷой карда шудан; таъин карда шудан
устраивать v
gen. сохтан; соз кардан; бино кардан; ҷиҳозонидан; таҷҳиз кардан; бо асбобу анчом таъмин кардан; барпо кардан; ташкил кардан; баркарор кардан; ба тартиб овардан; дуруст ташкил кардан; ҷой кардан; таъин кардан; қаноат кунондан; маъқул шудан
inf. хезондан; баробар кардан; тахт кардан
 Russian thesaurus
устраивать v
gen. опуститься до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com ART Vancouver); упасть до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
: 4 phrases in 1 subject