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at gunpointstresses
gen. когда на кого-либо направляют оружие (you should know how to act when held at gunpoint – когда на тебя направляют оружие); под прицелом (LissaAlissa)
inf. под дулом пистолета (robbed at gunpoint 4uzhoj); на мушке (as in: he held me up at gunpoint Val_Ships); со стволом у виска (At gunpoint I was told to hand over my money. Val_Ships)
law.enf., formal угрожая оружием (Myers was getting gas when Walter McMillian saw him at the gas station and forced him at gunpoint to get in Walter's truck and drive to Monroeville. 4uzhoj); под угрозой применения оружия
news под дулами автоматов (The annexation of Crimea through a so-called referendum held at gunpoint is illegal and illegitimate. 4uzhoj)
at gunpoint
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects