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articles of associationstresses
gen. учредительный договор; правила компании (The Articles of Association (the articles) are in effect a set of rules governing the conduct of the members of the company and its offcers. The offcers of a company are its directors and company secretary. These rules commonly relate to matters such as the conduct of shareholder and board meetings, any restriction on the transferability of shares and the powers bestowed on the directors etc. (In the US the Articles of Association are known as the bylaws.). LE Alexander Demidov); устав общества (Johnny Bravo); учредительный договор (1. • a written agreement embodying the purposes or other terms and conditions of the association of a number of persons for the prosecution of a joint enterprise; specifically • a written agreement duly executed and filed so as to have the force of a charter under general incorporation laws 2. • a written agreement that in England under the Companies Act may accompany the memorandum of association of a company with a liability limited by shares, that must accompany that of a company with a liability limited by guarantee or unlimited, and that prescribes the regulations for the government of the company. WTNI Alexander Demidov)
account. устав акционерной компании
EBRD учредительные документы (компании); устав компании (a document that contains details of how a company is organized, for example, the duties of management, rights of shareholders, and when meetings will be held. It is one of the documents needed to create a new company in the UK and some other countries: The shareholders need only propose an amendment to their companies' articles of association, and then vote for it. CBED Alexander Demidov)
econ. устав акционерного общества (компании)
energ.ind. устав внутренней организации акционерного общества
law устав корпорации; устав (акционерного общества (сравни: Memorandum of Association) alex); устав юридического лица (акционерного общества, корпорации Право международной торговли On-Line)
 English thesaurus
Articles of Association
law AA (spanishru)
Articles of Association AOA
abbr., law AoA (aap)
articles of association
: 32 phrases in 10 subjects
Corporate governance2
Labor organization1
Notarial practice1