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 и поделом
gen. as well he might; and so he should; as well he might
| мне
gram. he
gen. me
math. for me; to me
chinese.lang. xia; hsia
gen. I
| и поделом
 и поделом
gen. as well he might
| мне
math. for me

to phrases
и поделомstresses
gen. as well he might (Ham staggered, as well he might, under the blow Mr. Peggotty dealt him... MichaelBurov); and so he should ("As well he might" means, "It would be well/good if he did". The speaker is asserting that a hypothetical action would be better if made reality – that he should do it. "As well he might" = "And so he should" journaldoctor.ru MichaelBurov); as well he might ("As well he might" means, "It would be well/good if he did". The speaker is asserting that a hypothetical action would be better if made reality – that he should do it. "As well he might" = "And so he should" journaldoctor.ru MichaelBurov)
И поделом: 6 phrases in 2 subjects