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ясно как божий деньstresses
gen. crystal clear; crystal-clear; as clear as crystal; as plain as the nose on one's face; as sure as eggs are eggs; as plain as a pikestaff; as clear as noonday (Anglophile); it doesn't take a crystal ball to see that (Ufel Trabel); clear as bell (Tolmach_msk); obvious (Ivan Pisarev); raising no doubts (Ivan Pisarev); undoubted (Ivan Pisarev); unquestionable (Ivan Pisarev); pretty straightforward (Ivan Pisarev); undisputed (Ivan Pisarev); incontrovertible (Ivan Pisarev); indisputable (Ivan Pisarev); incontestable (Ivan Pisarev); uncontroversial (Ivan Pisarev)
Gruzovik it is as clear as noonday
idiom. as clear as day (Andrey Truhachev); as clear as daylight (Andrey Truhachev); as certain as saying Amen in church (West_LV)
proverb clear as that two and two make four
ясный как божий день
gen. crystal clear
ясно как божий день
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects