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gen. venomous; acid; acrimonious; arrowy; biting; cut
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язвительный adj.stresses
gen. venomous; acid; acrimonious; arrowy; biting; cut; scathing; caustic; eager; incisive; mordant; racy; spiteful; sulphurous; truculent; waspish; acerb; acid-tongued; sharp-fanged; tart-tongued; vinegarish; carping; cattish; sarcastic; satirical; stinging; trenchant; sardonic; sharp; acrid (о словах и т.п.); catty; cutting; epigrammatic; epigrammatical; peppered; pungent; vinegary; snide (Serahanne); mean (Serahanne); nasty (Serahanne); pointed (Anglophile); acid tongued; scalding; sharp fanged; tart tongued; wicked (Vadim Rouminsky); bitter (visitor); angry; sharp-tongued (Val_Ships); splenetic (VLZ_58); tweaky (sea holly); barbed (e.g. She made some rather barbed comments about my lifestyle GrishaNechaev); sarcy (Ремедиос_П); dry; nibbler; nipping; dry nurse; piercing; sarcastical; satiric; virulent
amer. mocking (you'll write it in a mocking tone Val_Ships); rancid (rotbart)
austral., slang snakey
book. mordacious
dipl. keen
fig. poisonous (Andrey Truhachev); smart; smarting; sour; venemous
inf. snarky (о реплике denghu); snappy (VLZ_58)
Makarov. barbed; full of caustic; acerbic; acidulous; aculeate
obs. painful; wounding; mordicant; sardonian; shrewd
obs., fig. tormenting
slang dirty; blood and guts (Interex)
uncom. smart (о словах)
язвительно adv.
gen. trenchantly; tartly (Игорь Primo); caustically; epigrammatically; sardonically; venomously; sarcastically (hedgy); cattily (Anglophile); tauntingly; cuttingly (hoone); acrimoniously; Punchily (Сибиряков Андрей); keenly; shrewdly; pungently; acidly ("And," I asked acidly, "you never expected for a single moment what was going to happen?"); snarkily (Natalia D); bitingly (About the grenade, Roy had bitingly said, "It'll work, this ain't no Vietnam, this ain't like over there in Vee-at-nam." adenisoff); dryly; floutingly; piercingly; virulently
Игорь Миг acerbically
Makarov. pointedly
obs. nippingly; stabbingly; mordaciously
Язвительный adj.
gen. punchy (punchy style marinkasam90)
язвительные: 157 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Bookish / literary1
Figure of speech3
Mass media5
Obsolete / dated3