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gen. professedly; clearly; avowedly; it's obvious; it's patent; it's manifest
idiom. it seems a safe bet
inf. aloud; you can tell
| открыто
Makarov. beard
| выраженный
gen. outspoken
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

adjective | adverb | to phrases
явный adj.stresses
gen. obvious; evident; avowed; apparent; express; manifest; mere; visible; blatant; clear; naked; undisguised; patent; sheer; open; unqualified; broad; downright (о вещах); ostensible; overt; plumb; rank; simple; transparent; transpicuous; undeniable; unmitigated; card-carrying; confessed; insuppressible; ostensive; unconcealed; evidential; flat-out; professed; pure and simple; without colour; declared; emphatic; undissembled; unequivocal; stand someone up; stand-up; outright (MargeWebley); expressed (scherfas); card carrying; flat out; unmistakable; it is evident; clearly expressed; nothing other than (как усиления); striking; adducible (AlexP73); stark (That's in stark contrast to other parts of the world where there are still high case numbers and lockdown restrictions of varying severity. • The selection of Fauci, known for his straightforward and honest words during the pandemic, provides a stark contrast with Trump's downplaying of the virus and his undercutting of federal scientists, including at times Fauci. • Both moves are stark reversals of the administration's previous positions. cognachennessy); explicit; blazing; pronounced; writ large; frank (о симптомах и т.п.); flat; up-and-down; plain; gross (gross injustice Val_Ships); smoking-gun (Ремедиос_П); discoverable; self evident; luculent; professional; specious; prohibitive (The 1981 Canada Cup was all about momentum. It was the second edition of the event started five years earlier, and Canada was the prohibitive favourite. VLZ_58); evidentiary; sheerest (lizanickel); on the nose (driven); florid (Usually, it is only when the patient develops florid signs that the diagnosis of lithium toxicity is considered. Min$draV)
Игорь Миг egregious; self-explanatory; barely veiled
archit. clayey features
biol. frank (напр., о признаке)
busin. marked
dipl. decided
econ. explicit price index (прямой) индекс цен (индекс цен, рассчитываемый как соотношение стоимости фиксированного набора товаров и услуг в ценах текущего периода к стоимости этого же набора в ценах базового периода; примером такого индекса является индекс потребительских цен **karina**)
fig. palpable
inf. positive; strong (strong noise – явный шум Damirules); screaming (a screaming psychopath joyand)
law self-evident
Makarov. bald-headed; bare; barefaced; conspicuous; direct
math. decisive
med. discernible (напр., о симптоме); distinct; manifestative; frank; apparent (напр. о болезни)
nano well-defined
notar. express (as distinguished from implied or tacit)
obs. dilucid; pert; profest
oil detectable (об отказе)
philos. exoteric; exoterical
polit. arrant (bigmaxus); hardcore (bigmaxus); hardened (bigmaxus); hopeless (bigmaxus); inveterate (bigmaxus); out and out (bigmaxus); paid-up (bigmaxus); total (bigmaxus); utter (bigmaxus); absolute (bigmaxus)
progr. application (ssn); definite (Alex_Odeychuk); simplified (Syn: easy, effortless, elementary, facile, simple. Ant: complex, complicated, hard, intricate ssn)
relig. perspicuous
slang bald-faced
vulg. glaring
явно adv.
gen. above board; in open
явно adv.
gen. professedly; clearly (Something was clearly wrong.); unmistakeably (Anglophile); blatantly (Although he was blatantly on drugs, the crowd still cheered him. Notburga); self-evidently (shergilov); without question (Notburga); recognizably (Ремедиос_П); stark; it is obvious; apparently; downright; decidedly; starkly; demonstrably (bookworm); transparently (Notburga); doubtless; it is manifest; by far (См. пример в статье "безусловно". I. Havkin); evidently; strictly (I. Havkin); notably (A.Rezvov); glaringly (joyand); distinctively; plainly (Stas-Soleil); expressly (kee46); fairly; pointedly; pronouncedly; decisively; directly; manifestly; obviously; definitely; patently; doubtlessly; markedly; explicitly (explicitly racist acts yoriko); broadly; clear; confessedly; forth; glaringly; nakedly; plain; professionally; undeniably; visibly; discernibly; flagrantly; evidentially; audibly; overtly; expressively; arrestingly (Katz was arrestingly larger than when I had last seen him. Serginho84)
Gruzovik it's obvious; it's patent; it's manifest; it's evident
Игорь Миг avowedly; unquestionably; brazenly
book. signally
book., disappr. egregiously
fig. palpably (joyand)
idiom. it seems a safe bet (в контексте: Unfortunately, this is but the latest such tragedy to capture our attention, and it seems a safe bet that it will not be the last. • The amount was clearly in the millions, and it seems a safe bet that [the benefactors] wouldn't have laid that out without pretty ironclad assurances that [the art district] is here to stay. 4uzhoj)
inf. aloud; you can tell (You can tell he doesn't brush his teeth very often. – Он явно не любит чистить зубы. SirReal)
law ex facte; ex facto
Makarov. abundantly clear
math. it is clear; it is evident; distinctly
med. readily (mazurov)
nonstand. evendown
notar. explicitly
obs. ostensiblely; speciously; declaredly
relig. openly
scient. obviously
slang highkey (Баян)
явно, открыто выраженный
: 1 phrase in 1 subject