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ябедничать vstresses
gen. snitch; peach (against, on); tell tales out of school; squeal (on someone vovazl); grass; sneak out on (someone Заховинов); tattle (on); spread malicious gossip (about); bear tales; show up (в школе)
Игорь Миг rat
austral., rude pimp
austral., slang dob in; dob on; dob; give one's guts
Gruzovik, inf. tell tales about (impf of наябедничать); inform on (impf of наябедничать); sneak about (impf of наябедничать)
inf. tell (with на + acc., on); tell on; tattle (Did you tattle on us to the teacher? cambridge.org); inform (on); sneak (about); round
inf., austral., rude pimp on
jarg. peach (на сообщника)
Makarov. peach against; peach on
Makarov., inf. snitch on (кого-либо)
Makarov., jarg., college.vern. peach upon (на кого-либо, обыкн. на сообщника)
notar. slander; tell tales
obs. whistle
school.sl. sneak
school.sl., jarg. show up
scottish clype (Yerkwantai)
slang grass on; bitch; squeak; blow the gab (Bobrovska); blow the gaff (Bobrovska); bitch (This bitch is always hitching! == Эта гадюка вечно жалуется!)
against, on ябедничать v
slang peach
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects