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gen. counsel (во времена СССР юрисконсультами называли юристов, работающих по найму в самой организации); house counsel (фирмы); legal advisor; attorney (schnuller); legal adviser (a lawyer who gives advice Example Sentences Including 'legal adviser' During my years as a Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal adviser , I drafted constitutions and treaties. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2004) He is also a prominent member of the Baptist Church and acts as its legal adviser. MISC (1995) He is chief legal adviser to the Government, giving advice himself or taking it from outside. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2001) Joined the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1984 and held a number of high-level policy positions, including that of legal adviser. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003) Lieutenant-Colonel Lorenzo Martinez Fuset acted as legal adviser and political secretary. Preston, Paul FRANCO Says Rao's legal adviser Kapil Sibal: "It is a blatantly wrong and erroneous order. INDIA TODAY (1996). Collins Alexander Demidov); in-house lawyer (An in-house lawyer is a trainee or qualified solicitor who does not work in private practice (i.e. a law firm) you will be a solicitor enrolled in Scotland and employed in public service such as: the Crown Office; Procurator Fiscal’s Service; Central or Local Government. Alternatively you may be employed in industry/commerce such as in an Energy, Media or a Financial Services company. The number of in-house lawyers in Scotland has increased over the years and currently accounts for one third of all enrolled solicitors in Scotland. Alexander Demidov); legal adviser (a lawyer who gives advice Example Sentences Including 'legal adviser' During my years as a Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal adviser , I drafted constitutions and treaties. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2004) He is also a prominent member of the Baptist Church and acts as its legal adviser. MISC (1995) He is chief legal adviser to the Government, giving advice himself or taking it from outside. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2001) Joined the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1984 and held a number of high-level policy positions, including that of legal adviser. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003) Lieutenant-Colonel Lorenzo Martinez Fuset acted as legal adviser and political secretary. Preston, Paul FRANCO Says Rao's legal adviser Kapil Sibal: "It is a blatantly wrong and erroneous order. INDIA TODAY (1996). Collins – АД); chamber counsel; adviser; advisor; in-house counsel (Definition – What does In-House Counsel mean? In-house counsel is a lawyer who works within a company structure to provide legal counsel to the company, and is on the company's payroll. This is opposed to an outside counsel which would be a lawyer who works outside of the company structure, and is not an employee of the company. justipedia.com Alexander Demidov); company corporation lawyer; legal adviser (to a company, institution, etc.); legal associate (например Butterfly812); bencher; proctor (по морским и духовным делам)
adv. corporate lawyer (A corporate lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in corporations law. (wiki) – not necessarily an in-house lawyer Alexander Demidov); company lawyer
busin. mandatory legal counsel; general counsel
comp. LCA (legal council advisor Georgy Moiseenko)
econ. expert on legal questions; in-house legal counsel (4uzhoj)
fin. law clerk
IMF. Counsel
law jurisconsult; lawyer; legal counsel; in-house attorney (Leonid Dzhepko); business lawyer; legal consultant (Alex_Odeychuk); legal counselor (Alex_Odeychuk); corporate counsel (предприятия, банка; USA Today Alex_Odeychuk)
law, amer. solicitor
Makarov. corporation lawyer; legal expert
mil. legal assistance officer (части); legal adviser
mil., avia. legal officer
notar. law officer
O&G, tengiz. Associate Attorney (Yeldar Azanbayev)
patents. standing counsel; counsellor; syndic
railw., BrE general solicitor
sociol. legal counsellor
LEGAD – Legal Adviser юрисконсульт n
NATO LEGAD (Nu Zdravstvuy)
Юрисконсульт n
health. LEG (ВОЗ Wakeful dormouse)
 Russian thesaurus
юрисконсульт n
gen. в Российской Федерации должностное лицо юридической службы министерства, ведомства, предприятия, общественных и кооперативных организаций. Следит за обеспечением законности в деятельности данной организации, защищает ее права и интересы в судебных и административных органах. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
abbr. юридический консультант
law юрист-консультант (Gvidas Mazgelis); работник-правовед (Gvidas Mazgelis)
юрисконсульт: 96 phrases in 24 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Energy industry1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development5
International law1
International Monetary Fund4
Name of organization2
Notarial practice3
Oil / petroleum1
Security systems1
Trade unions2
Weapons of mass destruction1