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этап реализации проектаstresses
gen. execution phase (Johnny Bravo); EPC stage (Johnny Bravo); EPC phase (Johnny Bravo); execution stage (Johnny Bravo)
этапы реализации проекта
gen. project life cycle (The Project Life Cycle refers to the four-step process that is followed by nearly all project managers when moving through stages of project completion. This is the standard project life cycle most people are familiar with. The Project Life Cycle provides a framework for managing any type of project within a business. mavenlink.com Alexander Demidov); project cycle (Seven stage process through which practically every major project goes through: (1) Identification: stage where one project-idea out of several alternatives is chosen and defined. (2) Preparation: defined idea is carefully developed to the appraisal stage. (3) Appraisal: every aspect of the project idea is subjected to systematic and comprehensive evaluation, and a project plan is prepared. (4) Presentation: detailed plan is submitted for approval and financing to the appropriate entities. (5) Implementation: with necessary approvals and financing in place, the project plan is implemented. (6) Monitoring: at every stage the progress of the project is assessed against the plan. (7) Evaluation: upon completion the project is reassessed in terms of its efficiency and performance. Also called project life cycle. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
этап реализации проекта
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects