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экзаменационная комиссия
 Экзаменационная комиссия
gen. examination syndicate
 экзаменационная комиссия
gen. examining committee; board of examiners
busin. board of examiners; examining body
econ. examining board
ed. examination board; board of examinations
ed. inf. exam board
law examination commission
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| лётном училище
 лётное училище
avia. flying school

to phrases
экзаменационная комиссияstresses
gen. examining committee (kkruglov); board of examiners
busin. board of examiners (school, university) group of people who officially administer examinations; administrative body. Collins Alexander Demidov); examining body (board Taras)
econ. examining board (school) an organization that sets and corrects exams Example Sentences Including "examining board" GCSE papers are being sent abroad for marking by the Edexcel examining board. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES 2004) YET again I've been reading about the mishaps of examining board Edexcel -they need to get their act together. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD 2002). Collins Alexander Demidov)
ed. examination board (An examination board is an organization that sets examinations and is responsible for marking them and distributing results. Examination boards have the power to award qualifications, such as SAT scores, to students. Most exam boards are run as not-for-profit organizations. WK Alexander Demidov); board of examinations (Odnodoom)
ed., inf. exam board (WK Alexander Demidov)
law examination commission
slang murder board (MichaelBurov)
Экзаменационная комиссия
gen. examination syndicate (Only)
экзаменационная комиссия: 41 phrases in 11 subjects
Military aviation1
Occupational health & safety1
Oil processing plants4