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adjective | verb | to phrases
шумящий adj.stresses
gen. voiceful (with; о чём-либо); clamant; clamorous; floundering; noiseful; rackety; rumbling
fig. brawling
Makarov. noisy (о приборе, линии)
obs. streperous
tech. noise-producing (equipment, etc. FL1977); noisy
torped. noisy (транзистор, линия)
шуметь v
gen. make noise; rustle; rush; roar (о ветре, о море); bustle; buzz; bluster; chide (о ветре); clutter; crack; din; noise; rag; riot; row; whir (о машинах и т. п.); whirr (о машинах и т. п.); rollick; whoop it up; jangle; bang about; roust; clamour; racket; raise the devil; brawl; romp; make a to-do; clamor; growl; make a racket; pack it in; clatter (Aly19); bray; sigh (о ветре); sing; have a row; make a row (скандалить); be noisy; bellow (о буре); birr; drum (в ушах); hum; make; keep ado; blatter; boom (о волнах); bounce; be clamorous; clang; clangor; clangour; clap; ding; kick up a dust; jingle; powwow; pudder; quash; rattle; make a riot; roister; rout; ruttle; kick up a shine; swagger; swash; tumult; whistle; make a noise; whoosh (You could hear the water whooshing in the pipes  - Слышно, как в трубах шумит вода Taras)
Gruzovik make a noise
Игорь Миг thump; raise a ruckus
amer. raise jack; raise Cain
amer., inf. hoodoo
austral., slang whoop things up
dial. call (to); shout
fig. cause a sensation; make a fuss; make a stir; talk loudly; talk much; kick up a noise
Gruzovik, dial. shout to; call to
Gruzovik, fig. noise much
inf. sound off; horse around; stand the racket; wrangle; kick; yuk it up (VLZ_58); cause a ruckus (An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus. ART Vancouver); make a fuss (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., amer. holler
Makarov. kick up a din; kick up a fuss; kick up a row; kick up a shindy; make a din; thunder; bluster at; clutter up; go off; make a row; produce a noise; produce noise; tow-row; yammer for
Makarov., inf. make a racket (о пьяной компании и т. п.)
mil. storm
obs. gingle; roist
slang ragtime; raise the roof; horse about; box (Interex); vuvuzela (from the name of plastic horn used by football fans GasikAbd); vuvuzela (GasikAbd)
trav. dining
vulg. raise hell
шуметь по поводу v
disappr. make a fuss (The NCB didn’t want to investigate the problem and basically suggested that if the town made a fuss, the mine would be closed and that would be an economic catastrophe.” mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
Шуми v
sport. Schumi (прозвище немецкого автогонщика Михаэля Шумахера Юрий Гомон)
loose шуметь v
vulg. make hell pop
: 141 phrases in 23 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Amphibians and reptiles1
Obsolete / dated1
Oceanography & oceanology1
Rail transport1