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verb | verb | to phrases
шлёпнуть vstresses
gen. cuff; pat; slop; smack; plunk; whop; plop; plop down (Tony19); spank (Clepa); swat; make a noise with; slap
Gruzovik slap
chess.term. muff (сыграть поверхностно и слабо: But White muffed it and only drew promo)
Gruzovik, inf. thud with a plop (pf of шлёпать)
inf. fall with a plop; shuffle; slosh (through water, mud, etc.); thud; tramp (with по); zap (EnglishIsFun); pip (EnglishIsFun); gun (EnglishIsFun); pop (EnglishIsFun); plug (EnglishIsFun); bump (EnglishIsFun); bump-off (EnglishIsFun); drill (EnglishIsFun); slap dash
inf., amer. smoke
jarg. whack (=убить) I need you to whack some people, only they're in hiding. / What you're gonna do is go whack Frankie Garone. / We'll get whacked. | GTA4 4uzhoj); caulk (в смысле "убить": That cruiser the Hope caulked had probably been left in orbit, like ours has to be google.com.ua Bomber)
slang wax (4uzhoj)
шлёпнуться v
gen. plop; flop; plonk; plunk; splash; tumble; plop down (Tony19); plump; fall with a wallop; thud; whop; flop down; drop (he dropped into the chair Рина Грант); collapse (to completely relax the muscles of your body because you are very tired, upset, etc. She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa. george serebryakov); flounce; squab
brit. come a cropper (or "purler" Liv Bliss)
dial., inf. wallop
Gruzovik, inf. hit against (pf of шлёпаться); knock against (pf of шлёпаться); fall with a plop (pf of шлёпаться)
idiom. come a purler (головой вперёд, во весь рост: "Only one thing, indeed, could have pleased me more – if I had been informed that Sir Watkyn Bassett had trodden on the soap and come a purler in the bathtub." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
inf. hit the ground with a thud (4uzhoj); pancake (Andrey Truhachev); take a spill (VLZ_58)
Makarov. go plash; go down with a wallop; plonk down; plump down; splash into
Makarov., inf. plunk down
шлепнуть v
gen. land a hit (Even if we do land a hit, a cockroach can withstand compressive forces of up to 900 times its own weight by distributing the impact along its body. kirobite)
: 28 phrases in 2 subjects