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шихта nstresses
gen. furnace-charge; furnace charge
Gruzovik furnace batch; furnace load; furnace stock; furnace blend; furnace mixture; schist; CW respirator absorbent (chemical-warfare respirator absorbent); chemical-warfare respirator absorbent
alum. dry mix (aivanov)
chem. load
el. nutrient; charge
geol. feed (смесь исходных материалов Julietteka)
goldmin., min.proc. flux (Jewelia)
Gruzovik, foundr.  furnace burden; furnace load; furnace burden; furnace charge; furnace batch; furnace stock; furnace blend; furnace mixture
Makarov. bed (в системе водоочистки); bath; burden (доменной печи)
media. charge (в печи)
met. charging material; furnace burden; mix material; stock; charged material (VLZ_58); charge materials (VLZ_58); feed materials (VLZ_58); burden materials (VLZ_58); infeed (While ductile iron can be produced from steel or iron scrap, pig iron is the primary source of infeed for most modern ductile iron foundries. VLZ_58); charge make-up (Pig iron is a principal component of the charge make-up used by high quality ferrous foundries and steel mills. VLZ_58); furnace charge (MichaelBurov); fusion mixture (плавильной печи); charge (furnace charge MichaelBurov)
mil. chemical filling (противогазовой коробки); charge (противогаза)
polym. charge stock; feed stock; furnish
tech. batch mixture; burden material; charge material; charge mixture; furnace feed; fusion mixture; working mass; working mixture; blend; mix; mixture; batch; burden
therm.eng. charging
 Russian thesaurus
шихта n
gen. смесь в определенной пропорции сырых материалов, а в некоторых случаях напр., при выплавке чугуна в доменной печи и топлива, подлежащая переработке в металлургических, химических и других агрегатах. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 460 phrases in 27 subjects
Aluminium industry8
Automated equipment1
Blast-furnace practice2
Building materials1
Cast iron1
Electrical engineering1
Energy industry9
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Glass container manufacture1
Gold mining1
Mechanic engineering1
Mineral processing4
Oil / petroleum1
Silicate industry54
Thermal engineering7
Weapons of mass destruction2