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шикарный adj.stresses
gen. smart; dressy; silken; stylish; viewy; wanton; ritzy; snazzy; way-up; flash; swank; lavish (Marein); sharp (informal. stylish or fashionable:: He's a sharp dresser. a sharp outfit. You're looking very sharp today. MWALD Alexander Demidov); pert; bling (Anglophile); way up; luxurious (Juls!); classy (I reckon a classy dame like Daniella deserves the best, so I decide to take her to the Bangkok Regent Hotel. • I'm also wondering why a classy girl like her is working for a slimy little bastard like Sonny Thong. 4uzhoj); touch of class (Taras); glamorous (Notburga); chic; nobby; crack; classy touch (I like the "sir." It's a classy touch – Слово "сэр" прозвучало стильно; тж. см. a touch of class, a touch of style, add a touch of class, add a touch of style Taras); roarsome (Taras); magnificent (george serebryakov); exclusive (sankozh); touch of style (Taras); a classy touch (Taras); a touch of class (Taras); a touch of style (тж. см. classy touch Taras)
Gruzovik ostentatious
Игорь Миг deluxe; shizit; high-end (We've done it before with high-end properties.); glitzy; uptown
amer. plush; plushy; fancy (nemou); hoighty-toighty (Taras); spiffy (She looked very spiffy in her new dress. Val_Ships); luxe (a luxe yacht Val_Ships)
archit. plushy (сленг); snappy; plush (сленг)
austral., slang bonzer
cloth. dressy (об одежде)
context. great (This is a great wine for kicking off the evening. I. Havkin)
emph. glorious (об ощущениях, о чём-л., доставившем удовольствие: Summer is freaken awesome, I played a shit load of beach volleyball at Kits this summer and it was glorious!! Ya now it sucks tho like gloom for 6 months lets goooo (Reddit) -- это было шикарно ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. fine; splendid
Gruzovik, jarg. cool
inf. posh; swagger; jim-dandy; slap-up; twee; spicy; go-go; saucy; spicey; awesome (Ramon Kentavr); gorgeous (he's "so gorgeous", women can't help falling in love with him safka); off the chart (Taras); grand; class; formidable (nicknicky777); smart-looking (sophistt); swanky; super-dooper (Taras)
inf., old.fash. swell (The Oriental is the oldest and best hotel in Bangkok and the Normandie Grill is the best restaurant in the hotel. The Oriental is in a swell location right on the river. • All I think about is that I got a swell chick with me and I'm having a ball.)
Makarov., inf. swish (a party at a swish place with the best people – вечер в шикарном месте с лучшими людьми)
pomp. opulent (opulent waiting area OksanaSuvorova)
relig. Babylonian
sarcast. grand (I have received a letter from ICBC regarding a refund for past overcharges. After reading the preamble and scanning the numbers I find that I am entitled to a grand refund of $4.30. Then, after reading all fine print, I find that ICBC does not refund amounts under $5. ART Vancouver)
slang hoity-toity; Jim Dandy; kicky; kippy; Mod; snarky; snorky; spectacular; swellelegant; tony; tush; reptar (янис из табакерки); schicki-micki (Andrey Truhachev); fleek (Taras); for days (vogeler); bad (и т.п.; возникло в жаргоне джазовых музыкантов примерно в 50-е годы в значении good, постепенно переходит в общеупотребительный слэнг. См., напр., в песне Tom Petty "Oh yer so bad, best thing I ever had". slavchuk)
шикарно adv.
gen. awesome (Ramon Kentavr); stunningly; chicly; glam (Tanya Gesse); on trend ("on-trend" as an adjective macmillandictionary.com Liv Bliss); magnificent (That would be magnificent Tamerlane)
Gruzovik it is splendid (as pred); it is magnificent (as pred)
amer. in style (travel in style Val_Ships)
amer., inf. high off the hog; high on the hog
austral. ducks guts (Don Quixote)
Gruzovik, inf. stylishly; smartly
inet. awsm (pryanik)
inf. it is magnificent; dressy (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., old.fash. swell
slang baltic (ирландский молодёжный сленг supkrovi)
шикарно! adj.
inf. splendid!
шикарное adj.
gen. glorified
шикарная adj.
slang swoopy (о прическе,напр. Lavrin)
: 126 phrases in 18 subjects
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