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шалости nstresses
gen. antics; devilment; devilry; deviltry; spree; monkey tricks; antic; mischief; waggeries; roguery; naughtiness
Игорь Миг romp; hanky-panky
amer. monkeyshines (Anglophile)
inf. shenanigans
inf., amer. monkey business (Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room. • The new nanny will not tolerate such monkey business from her charges. VLZ_58)
obs. reaks
slang highjinks (Interex)
шалость n
gen. prank; trick; waggery; desipience; wantonness; lark; May-game; mischievousness (Interex); may game; freak; laverock; caper; dalliance; frolic; spree; a boy's trick; curvet; gaiety; gayety; gayness; joyance; outleap; roguishness
Gruzovik mischief; naughtiness
Игорь Миг folly
amer. dido
context. naughty (Only in #Vancouver would the city shut down streets and public facilities because of an unapproved, unsanctioned event where thousands of losers get together to smoke pot. News flash to 4/20 partiers: smoking pot isn't "naughty" anymore. Get over yourselves. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
ed. romp
Gruzovik, obs. robbery
humor. devilry
inf. twist (Franka_LV)
obs. nidgery; nugation
obs., inf. robbery
relig. desipiency
шалости: 29 phrases in 4 subjects
Obsolete / dated2
School terminology1