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чёрная икраstresses
gen. caviare (Alexander Demidov); sturgeon roe (In Russian, all types of fish roe are called "икра" (ikra, caviar), and there is no linguistic distinction between the English words "roe" and "caviar." Sturgeon roe, called "чёрная икра" (chyornaya ikra, "black caviar") is most prized. It is usually served lightly salted on buttered wheat or rye bread, or used as an ingredient in various haute cuisine sauces and dishes. It is followed in prestige by salmon roe, called "red caviar," which is less expensive, but still considered a delicacy. More common roes, such as cod, pollock, and herring are everyday dishes. WK Alexander Demidov); caviar (Икра осетра, белуги, севрюги. Roe – все виды икры. Fish eggs ("рыбьи яйца") – все виды икры. Sturgeon caviar – чёрная осетровая икра, salmon roe – красная лососёвая икра. Марчихин)
cook. caviar (надпись "red caviar", или "red salmon caviar" на многих (напр., американских) упаковках с красной лососевой икрой – не более, чем ловкий маркетинговый приём. Американское законодательство даже запрещает использовать на упаковках икры слово "caviar" без указания вида рыбы, если только это не осетровая икра.; приготовленная \выдержанная в рассоле\ 13.05); black caviare ("Buy then," he told me in deliberate English, "the red and not the black caviare. It is of very much better taste and much cheaper." /Laurens Van der Post "Journey Into Russia"/ Soulbringer)
чёрная икра
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects