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verb | adjective | verb | to phrases
избить vstresses
gen. beat; thrash; slaughter; beat hollow; knock into a cock; knock someone into the middle of next week (кого-либо Taras); extirpate; damage; bang up; manhandle; maul; paste; let into; sandbag; shellac; wallop; give a dusting; give a whopping (кого-либо); knock cold; give a thrashing (поколотить, кого-либо); give the business (кого-либо); pin ears back (исколотить, кого-либо); batter (alexghost); belabour; lay a beating on (someone – кого-либо Beforeyouaccuseme); pin ears back (кого-либо); belabor (Several of her supporters surrounded the officers and belabored them with truncheons and pieces of broken chairs.); lace someone's jacket (кого-либо); rough someone up (кого-либо; чтобы испугать/запугать или пригрозить Alex Krayevsky); bruise; give smb. a beating (кого́-л.); be on one's jack (кого-л.); beat up
Gruzovik beat unmercifully (pf of избивать); beat up
Игорь Миг cause actual bodily harm
amer. whup (to beat someone Taras); fuck up (Taras); kick the crap out of smb. (кого-либо Taras)
brit. do over (кого-либо Taras); duff up (совсем не табу, может уст.: she will duff Nigel up if he goes round committing libel Capital)
idiom. fill in (Происхождение: значение выражения "to fill in-сделать беременной" со временем изменилось и стало значить: избить: I'm having a boundary dispute with my neighbour and several times he has threatened to fill me in. adivinanza)
idiom., explan. give someone the works (кого-либо)
inf. give the stick (Andrey Truhachev); ruin; clobber; rough up (кого-либо); blister; punish; shellack; do up; wail on (И. Ткачев); kill; massacre; break to pieces; break up; butcher; shatter; smash; wear down; bruise oneself (pf of избиваться); knock the stuffing out of (VLZ_58); knock the living daylights out of (VLZ_58); lay it on (smb., кого́-л.)
Makarov. pin someone's ears back (кого-либо); give a dusting (кого-либо); give a flogging (кого-либо); give a flopping (кого-либо); give a licking (кого-либо); give a thrashing (кого-либо); dress hide (кого-либо); beat in (кого-либо); beat unmercifully; beat someone up (кого-либо); bung up; give a beating; lace someone's jacket (кого-либо); tan someone's hide (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf., amer. knock up
Makarov., slang warm someone's jacket
product. man handle (Yeldar Azanbayev)
rude beat shit out (of smb. cnlweb)
slang dust one's jacket; haul one's ashes; warm; bust; crawl someone's hump; dust someone off; give it with it to (someone); jack up; lean against; lean on; mop up on; mug; mugg; pin someone's ears back; put the arm on (someone); put the kibosh on someone or something; take; tamp up on (кого-то); wax; pink (бокс); beat to a frazzle; tune up (joyand); roll (Hope he gets rolled by some Trump fans! joyand); stomp (кого-либо; on Interex); buck ("Buck you" is apparently urban slang for "beat you up". thesun.co.uk andreon); do a job on (кого-либо; The cops did a job on Rocko, but he still wouldn't talk. Полицейские избили Роко, но он однако молчит об этом. Interex); pink someone's ears back (кого-либо Interex); pound head (кого-либо Interex); massage (MichaelBurov); work over
vulg. lick hell out of (someone – кого-либо); wipe hell out of (someone – кого-либо)
избитый adj.
gen. beaten; hackneyed; trite (I know it will sound trite, but I've loved being part of this club. cambridge.org); threadbare (о шутке, доводе и т. п.); well-worn; stale; stock; worn; hack; stereo; stereotype; common or garden; cornball; percoct; razzmatazz; thrice-told; twice-told; well-trodden; platitudinous; shopworn; stereotyped; cliche'd; cliched; everyday; hoar; hoary; outworn; vulgar; worn-out; thrice told; twice told; well trodden; well worn; worn down; banal; uninteresting; commonplace; ready-made; ready made; lame (caffeine); unoriginal (TransAccess); corny (a corny joke); stereotypic (I. Havkin); bathetic (george serebryakov); battered (battered woman (wife) syndrome психол. – синдром избиваемой женщины, жены Taras); well-worn (об остроте и т.п.); tired (jodrey); mundane (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik beaten up
Игорь Миг much-vaunted; overused
archit. stale (в значении "часто применяемый" или "устаревший")
construct. threadbare
fig. vanilla
idiom. done to death (Баян)
inf. bromidic; hairy
Makarov. whipped
obs. hacknied
slang chewed up; jive; screwed, blued, and tattooed (Interex); jazzy; knocked up; mushy
избиться v
gen. massacre; beat up; break to pieces; break up; butcher; clobber; shatter; smash; wear down; beat unmercifully; ruin; slaughter
Gruzovik be worn out (pf of избиваться); be ruined (pf of избиваться); bruise oneself (pf of избиваться)
избить кого-либо v
idiom. punch someone's lights out (beat someone up: the last time he called me that, I'd attempted to punch his lights out КГА)
избит adj.
gen. beat up (pf of избивать)
жестоко избить v
inf. kick the stuffing out (Может употребляться в переносном значении (Did 2005 absolutely kick the stuffing out of you?) VLZ_58)
: 345 phrases in 29 subjects
American usage, not spelling11
Figure of speech4
Obsolete / dated2
Security systems1
Vernacular language2