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verb | verb | to phrases
беспокоить vstresses
gen. be not so disquiet; distract; gravel; molest; offend; pain; perplex; pester; potter; push; pushing; put to it; roust; ruffle; sit upon one's skirts; solicit; trespass on; trespass upon; turmoil; turn; wring; wringer; worry; give sb. trouble (кого-л.); upset; disturb; bother; trouble; afflict; ail; fret; incommode; harass; concern; discomfort; discommode; discompose; disquiet; flutter; gall; gnaw; harry; perturb; vex; pother; commove; annoy; disoblige; embarrass; exercise; fret gizzard; ferret; fuss; herry; perturbate; bug; unsettle (контекстуальный перевод на русский язык Alex_Odeychuk); beset (Ista); disquieten; deliver troubles (Soulbringer); put to trouble (просить кого-либо о чём-либо Tamerlane); commote; fidget; reck; be someone's concern (my biggest concern is… Евгений Тамарченко); be a nuisance (I'm sorry to be such a nuisance, but I need your help again. VLZ_58); inconvenience; feeze; keep on the alert; cause concern (Morning93); stir up trouble (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik worry; disturb (pf обеспокоить)
amer. faze
austral., slang rough-house
biol. vex (животное)
busin. bother (smb)
dial. hatter
dial., UK worrit (UK dialectal form, now essentially obsolete)
fig. fretting; harrow; thrutch (Vadim Rouminsky)
fig.of.sp. give someone a royal pain in the backside (Халеев)
formal be of concern (to someone ART Vancouver)
idiom. harsh one's mellow (Interex); be a pain (Баян); be a pain (in the ass Баян)
inf. get to one's head (Technical); kill (о части тела: My hand is killing me from yesterday. Scooper); act up on (My stomach has been acting up on me lately – Меня в последнее время беспокоит желудок VLZ_58)
Makarov. beleaguer; derange; fret gizzard (кого-либо); afflict with; worry (someone – кого-либо); gnaw at; trouble (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., slang drive someone up the wall (кого-либо)
mil. annoy (противника)
mil., inf. badger
obs. disaccommodate; incommodate; uncalm; wherret
relig. tribulate
scottish put about; fash
slang put out; bone; drive someone up the wall; get; get in one's hair; hound; put the been on (someone); qualm; rip on (someone); take someone's mind; turn upside down (Interex); weird out (Interex); yank (Interex); give someone the business (кого-либо Interex); give someone a pain (кого-либо Interex); jerk around (someone – кого-либо Interex); roust (кого-либо Interex)
uncom. toss
vulg. rip shit
беспокоиться v
gen. feel anxious (If you are feeling anxious or stressed or tired, you should not start this procedure. – Если вас что-то беспокоит ... ART Vancouver); give a second thought to (VLZ_58); feel bad for (о ком-либо Taras); be troubled by (о чём-либо Johnny Bravo); be in a fine stew; be in anxiety about something; alarm one's self; bul; fear; be in the fidgets; flounce; flounder; take the trouble; turmoil; worry; trouble oneself; brick it; be anxious; bother; care; concern; exercise; feeze; flutter; fret (GothamQueen); stew; trouble; distress oneself; fuss; ruffle; fash; pother; be in a stew; be in a fry; be in anxiety about (о чём-либо); fret gizzard; fret over (о чём-либо); fret the gizzard; have the fidgets to be in a fidget; vex oneself about (о ком-либо); worry about (о чём-либо); get perturbed (chajnik); have kittens (Anglophile); be looking over one's shoulder (Дмитрий_Р); bother about (Alex_Odeychuk); agitate oneself; feel uneasy; tremble for (о ком-либо); put oneself to some bother (Andrey Truhachev); be in a flap; think of; go on (о ком-либо); be uneasy about; fidget; think; feel strongly about (Dude67)
Gruzovik give oneself pains (to do something); worry about; put oneself out (impf of побеспокоиться); be uneasy about (impf of обеспокоиться)
Игорь Миг be antsy
amer. run scared (The polls don't look too good for our candidate and he's running scared. Val_Ships)
austral., slang sweat blood
busin. find disturbing (Johnny Bravo); mind
dial., UK worrit
dipl. pass
fig. fretting
inf. exercise (о чём-либо); sweat; get the needle
law tear
Makarov. be disturbed; be in a fine stew; be in the air; be uneasy; be worried; feel anxiety for; feel anxiety over; feel the draught; relieve oneself; stew up; trouble about; trouble over; fret (о лошади); be up in the air; bother one's head about something (о чём-либо); fash one's head; fret over something (о чём-либо); have a troubled breast; trouble head about (о чём-либо); be in a fidget; have the fidgets; feel bad about (о чём-либо); feel concern about (о чём-либо)
Makarov., inf. exercise about; exercise over
Makarov., Scotl. fash one's thumbs about; fash oneself
math. be concerned about
obs. flowk; retch
slang graum; cook (Interex); sweat bullets (Interex)
vulg. fly like a shit in a hurricane
беспокоящий prtc.
gen. gnawing; unsettling; annoying; incommodious; disturbing (Taras); worrisome (Mosley Leigh)
Игорь Миг unwanted (= мешающий, ненужный, лишний)
busin. worrying
inf. pesky (kee46)
med. offending (Wakeful dormouse)
mil., tech. nuisance
obs. molestful
slang mess; off-putting
беспокоящийся prtc.
gen. anxious; nervous (о чём-либо); concerned (Franka_LV); solicitous; protective (о детях родитель alexghost)
amer. torn up (Taras)
austral., slang toey
беспокоит v
gen. feel strongly about (Dude67)
беспокоиться v
inf. play on one's mind (That was a big mistake – but it had been playing on my mind so much. (BBC) Putney Heath)
беспокоящее prtc.
mil. nuisance minefield (Киселев)
about беспокоиться v
Scotl. fash one's thumbs
беспокой v
uncom. babel (Супру)
беспокоящее, раздражающее
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects