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noun | adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
чокнутый nstresses
gen. bats; out in left field
Игорь Миг kook-ball
amer. ding-dong (ssn)
amer., slang way-out
inf. out there (nadyaim); there's nobody home (VLZ_58); out of gourd (6Grimmjow6); nutter (to be a N. Lily Snape); whackadoodle (Sebastijana); whackadoodle ("I get it all from my mother, though! All of it! We're the second generation wackadoodle." ~ the Wendy Williams show. An alarming number of wackadoodles predict the world will indeed end. He has given credence to a lot of wackadoodle beliefs Sebastijana)
jarg. off one's dot
slang off one's rocker; guilty big
yiddish. meshuggah (MichaelBurov); meshuga (MichaelBurov)
чокнутый adj.
gen. crack-brained; screwball; spacey; cracky; nuts; pixilated; off one's crust; spacy; not all there; dippy; doolally (Anglophile); coo coo; crack brained; crack headed; whacked out; wacko bird (Ремедиос_П); twisted (cognachennessy); cranky; barmy (Anglophile); schizoid (Val_Ships); deranged (Taras)
Игорь Миг loon; freak; fruitcake; unhinged; crazed; real nut job; unhinged personality; bonker balls; cuckoo pants; crazy pants; wackadoodle
amer. squirrelly; wacko (mahavishnu); looney (Val_Ships); nutcase (Val_Ships); sicko (тж. sickie Taras); crazy-ass (crazy-ass bitch Taras)
amer., inf. loco
amer., slang flaky
Gruzovik, inf. queer (at variance with what is usual or normal; differing in some odd way from what is ordinary; odd; singular; strange; whimsical; as a queer story or act)
humor. freakasaurus (Taras)
idiom. nuttier than a fruitcake (Andrey Truhachev); batcrap crazy (yulia_mikh); as crazy as a bed bug (The woman's as crazy as a bed bug! ART Vancouver); away with the fairies (КГА)
inf. goofy; crackpot; wacky; coo-coo; cuckoo; loopy; crack-headed; cracked; barking mad (Anglophile); kook; fruity (a kind of fruity professor lexico.com bookworm); nutso (markovka); nut job (Шандор); nutball (Taras); coco puffs (coocoo for cocopuffs см. тж cocoa puff urbandictionary.com fa158); extremely stupid (Andrey Truhachev); queer; gone crazy (Alex_Odeychuk); batty (Anglophile); crazy (Andrey Truhachev); loony; crack (с оттенком уважения или восхищения Побеdа); gonzo; wifty (VLZ_58); ditzy (VLZ_58)
invect. bugfuck (DC)
Makarov. haywire; around the bend
slang screwy; scatty; whacked-out; bananas; luny; nutty (Nutty Professor – название известного фильма с участием Эдди Мэрфи nicknicky777); postal (Merc); cranky screwy (Interex); dingy (Interex); loopity-doopity-doopy (psylingua); wackadoo (chelsey rodgers); jerk (Agasphere); balmy; bonkers; crackpot; nutbar (I was saying this last year, and was being told I was a nutbar. Now you can see I was right. ART Vancouver); cuckoo (informal "Mad; crazy.": ‘The whole thing was cuckoo enough that it might be true.' || ‘But these people are cuckoo about Ronald Reagan.' || ‘But it would be a mistake to dismiss them as just cuckoo.' Кинопереводчик); hairpin; geek (Buddy89); sapheaded; flakey; flaky; shot to bits (- That guy is sick in the head. – Yeah man, he's shot to bits! Ballistic); mental (Shakermaker); whack job (Оскар); hyphenated (Шер); cray-cray (от crazy КГА)
slang, Makarov. nut
yiddish. meshugene (MichaelBurov); meshuggene (MichaelBurov)
"чокнутый" adj.
gen. screwy
чокнуться v
gen. clink glasses (when drinking a toast); take wine with (с кем-либо); clink (бокалами sever_korrespondent)
inf. go potty; be out of mind (Andrey Truhachev); be out of senses (Andrey Truhachev); nut up (Anglophile); go bonkers (Franka_LV); go nuts (Franka_LV); go bugs (Franka_LV); go bananas (Anglophile); be off one's rocker (Andrey Truhachev); be off your rocker (Andrey Truhachev); go round the bend (В.И.Макаров); lose one's marbles (В.И.Макаров); be out of one's gourd (SirReal); go nutso (Val_Ships); crack up разг. (Andrey Truhachev); go insane (Andrey Truhachev); have bats in the belfry (Andrey Truhachev); be not right in the head (Andrey Truhachev); be bats (Andrey Truhachev); be batty in the brain (Andrey Truhachev); have a screw loose (Andrey Truhachev); be crazy (Andrey Truhachev); go bats (Andrey Truhachev); run mad (Andrey Truhachev); go mad (Andrey Truhachev); lose one's mind (Laura, did you see a black zippered vest at my place on Friday? I don't know what I have done with it. I'm hoping maybe you saw it somewhere. .....I found it! I'm starting to lose my mind! – Я тут скоро чокнусь! ART Vancouver); be off one's beam (VLZ_58); go over the edge (george serebryakov); lose mind (cognachennessy); get cranky (Taras); lose the plot (suburbian)
чокнуть v
Gruzovik clink (semelfactive of чокать); clank (semelfactive of чокать)
чокнулся? v
Игорь Миг are you out of your mind?
Чокнутый adj.
slang Nucking Futs (от Fucking Nuts Liya25)
: 32 phrases in 8 subjects