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честное словоstresses
gen. parole; as I live and breathe; by George; by my fay; by my troth; honest Injun; on my oath; parole of honour; upon my honor; upon my soul; word of honour; as I live by bread; on my honour, word of honour; upon my honour; solemn word (Interex); my word! (linton); on my honour; upon my say-so; take it from me (DC); take my word (ssn); you have my handshake on it (4uzhoj); on the level; word; scout's honor (Taras); upon my word of honor (даю); upon my word of honour (даю); i'faith; in faith; upon my troth; in troth; by this hat!; I bet; I will eat my boots; I will eat my hat; I will eat my head; I'll eat my boots; I'll eat my hat; I'll eat my head; my hat to a halfpenny!; my word upon it!
amer. take my word for it (тж. см. take one's word Taras); I crap you not (Taras); I kid you not (Taras)
austral., inf. fair dinkum
idiom. as I live by bread!
inf. honor bright; honour bright; straight up (Asemeniouk)
law parol
nonstand. honest
notar. word of honor
proverb honestly (only sing.); really (only sing.); upon my word (only sing.)
slang no shit (VLZ_58)
честное слово!
gen. I'll take my Sam upon it!; on my soul!; upon my Sam!; upon my life!; bless my heart and soul!; on my word of honor!; on my word of honour!; so help me God! (в уверениях, клятвах); bless me!; bless my heart!; word of honor!; honest to goodness!; dog it; dog my cats!; my word upon it!
amer., inf. honest Indian!
Gruzovik, excl. on my word of honor!; on my word of honour!
inf. upon my word of honour!; my eye!; I mean it! (Andrey Truhachev)
lit. by Jove!
slang stand on me for that I; stand on me for that!
даю честное слово
gen. on my word; upon my word
под честное слово
gen. on my word of honour
честное слово
: 115 phrases in 13 subjects
Criminal law1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development4
Humorous / Jocular5