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хронические заболеванияstresses
med. pre-existing conditions (sanastasiai)
хроническое заболевание
gen. chronic problem (AD Alexander Demidov); chronic ailment (bigmaxus); chronic case
ecol. chronic disease
Gruzovik, med. chronical disease
med. chronic illness; long-term illness; decline; chronic evil (Andrey Truhachev); chronic condition (A chronic condition is a human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects.[1] The term chronic is usually applied when the course of the disease lasts for more than three months.[1] Common chronic diseases include arthritis, asthma, cancer, COPD, diabetes and HIV/AIDS. A debilitating condition that interfere with an individual's way of living a normal life and dealing with the society brought about by different signs and symptoms lasting from 6 months and above. In medicine, the opposite of chronic is acute. A chronic course is further distinguished from a recurrent course; recurrent diseases relapse repeatedly, with periods of remission in between. The non-communicable diseases are also usually lasting medical conditions but are separated by their non-infectious causes. In contrast, some chronic diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, are caused by transmissible infections. WAD Alex Lilo); preexisting condition (в английском и русском языке разнятся смыслы у этих двух названий заболеваний: "preexisting" и "хроническое", но по устойчивости выражения на русском языке нет более популярного, чем "хроническое заболевание" Ivan Pisarev); pre-existing condition (Ivan Pisarev); long-term condition (Andy)
med., fig. chronical disease
хронические заболевания
: 69 phrases in 13 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Clinical trial2
Veterinary medicine1