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хорошо виденstresses
gen. well visible (Damirules); easily visible (The arms of the creature were held tightly to its body. What looked like long claws that resembled the talons of an eagle were easily visible. The claws were estimated to be about 8-10 inches in length. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- были хорошо видны ART Vancouver)
хорошо видно
gen. clearly seen (triumfov); it's easy to see (в переносном значение, как синоним "ясно", "легко понять, почему/как" sixthson); can see clearly (I'm going to place this new fascinating device in front of me so that you can see clearly. – чтобы вам было хорошо видно ART Vancouver); well visible (Damirules)
хорошо видеть
gen. see into a millstone; see through a millstone; see well (poorly, far, etc.)
хорошо видно
Игорь Миг is much in evidence
хорошо видеть
Makarov. get a good view of something (что-либо); have a good view of something (что-либо)
хорошо видный
gen. in a good light
хорошо и т.д. видеть
gen. see well (poorly, far, etc.)
хорошо виден: 22 phrases in 4 subjects