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gen. craft; cunning; ruse; trick; stratagem; artfulness
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gen. encourage

to phrases
хитрость nstresses
gen. craft; cunning; ruse; trick; stratagem (военная); artfulness; art (обыкн. plural); guile; ploy; deceit; overreach; camouflage; double; fetch; finesse; game; shift; trickery; wangle; callidity; circumvention; curve ball; felinity; foxery; foxiness; inveiglement; trickiness; wiliness; Yorkshire; archness; fob; stealth; fetcher; duplicity (N); gimmick (Aly19); sleight; hoax; come-off; deviousness (ElenaSPb); gambit (cognachennessy); fallacy; dodge; catch; subtlety; wile; craftiness; wiles; bushcraft (This is a bushcraft I learned from N long time ago (контекстуальный перевод, автомеханик делится секретами работы) lady_west); subterfuge (VLZ_58); deception (employ deception – применить хитрость); artifice; astuteness; cunningness (4uzhoj); policy; crook; crossbite; decoy; deepness; devise; double dealing; doubling; elusion; engine; feat; fraud; go-by; jesuitism; machinery; manage; management; reach; sharpness; shuffling; subtileness; subtility; train; traverse; wheedle; wit
Gruzovik skill; ingenuity
arabic tawriya (Alex_Odeychuk)
arch., inf. fub
arch., Makarov. knack
austral., slang lurk
context. workaround (в знач. "обходной вариант решения проблемы" Aprilen)
dial. pawk; pauk
dipl. equivocation (bigmaxus)
fig. politics
for.pol. stratagem (Alcha)
geogr. York
inf. double-cross; fakeness (притворство; подделка Franka_LV); twist (Franka_LV)
law prevarication (Право международной торговли On-Line)
mar.law deception
mil. stratаgem (Alexander Demidov)
notar. abstruseness; device; intricacy; slyness
obs. subtilty (Yerkwantai); crank; cautelousness; foxship; jig; machiavelism; managery; packing; sliness; subtleness
slang chaw; cutey; cutie; dipsy-doodle; fast one; funny business; hanky-panky; gag
хитрости n
gen. camouflage; wile; wiles
inf., amer. monkey business; ins and outs (alia20)
IT quirks
хитростью n
gen. by a trick (e.g.: "We had a licence for the marriage. I have it here in my pocket." "Then you got it by a trick." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – заполучили обманом / хитростью ART Vancouver)
mil. by stratagem (The Greeks, under the command of Agamemnon, besieged Troy for ten years and at length took the city by stratagem and burned it to ashes. • If they can cheat by stratagem, they will; if not, they attempt it openly, and will not hesitate to accuse you publicly of some crime, or of owing them money. 4uzhoj)
obs. wilily
военная хитрость n
mil. stratagem; ruse
"хитрость" n
gen. life hack (Moscowtran)
Хитрости n
gen. tips and tricks (Dorvel)
хитростью: 185 phrases in 19 subjects
Figure of speech2
Information technology2
Mass media5
Obsolete / dated1