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хитрить vstresses
gen. dodge; fox; quibble; palter; shuffle; come round; bypass; wangle; boggle (у данного глагола НЕТ значения "хитрить" Vmosk); manoeuvre (Anglophile); contrive (Anglophile); be ingenious (Anglophile); bluff (Anglophile); fool (Anglophile); try to outwit (someone Anglophile); practise equivocation (ssn); practise deceit (ssn); show off intelligence; subtilize; use cunning; use guile; play cat and mouse; play cat and mous; be devious; be crafty; craft; equivocate; finesse; shift; wile; resort to guile; try to outwit (with с + instr.)
Gruzovik show off one's intelligence (impf of схитрить); subtilize one's intelligence (impf of схитрить); use cunning (impf of схитрить); use guile (impf of схитрить); be crafty; subtilize (impf of схитрить)
Игорь Миг fiddle with
austral., slang nick
dipl. be on the dodge (bigmaxus)
dipl., inf. by-pass
disappr. be disingenuous (Eve Munro of the Kits Point Residents Association said city councillors and officials are being “disingenuous,” including about “the unprecedented level of secrecy surrounding the Sen̓áḵw development.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. try to outwit (impf of схитрить); intrigue (impf of схитрить)
hunt. double
idiom. pull a fast one (She was pulling a fast one when she said she had a headache and went home. Anglophile)
inf. play cunning; intrigue; try to outwit; maneuver
Makarov. play the fox; be devious
obs. jig; scraffle
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects