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sarcast. is plenty goofy enough (I took a gun and a three-cell flashlight with me this time. The gun was a tough little short-barreled .32 with flat-point cartridges. Dr. Verringer's boy Earl might have other toys than brass knuckles. If he had, he was plenty goofy enough to play with them. (Raymond Chandler) – у него хватит ума с ними поиграть  ART Vancouver)
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gen. have the wisdom (кому-либо; пример использования: When Jamaica became independent, the Caymanians had the wisdom to break away from Jamaica = Когда Ямайка стала независимой, жителям островов Кайман хватило ума отделиться от Ямайки A.Rezvov)
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: 19 phrases in 5 subjects
Figure of speech1