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gen. franchising
busin. the deductible (освобождение страховщика от убытков, не превышающих определенного процента от страховой оценки MichaelBurov)
EBRD deductible amount (страх.); excess (British A part of an insurance claim to be paid by the insured: we will deduct the excess from the loss and then pay up to the policy limit  More example sentences This is a popular method of reducing premiums by increasing excesses and many insured are caught unawares. ODE Alexander Demidov); excess (страх.)
EBRD, insur. deductible (США; Deductible vs. Franchise: A deductible should not be confused with a franchise. Where a deductible represents a part of the expense the insurer is not liable for, the franchise is a pure threshold that, when exceeded, transfers liability for the entire expense to the insurer. For example, with a franchise of $20,000 a claim of $19,900 is borne entirely by the policyholder and a claim of $20,500 is borne entirely by the insurer. Deductible vs. Excess An excess can refer to one of two very different insurance terms. The first is the extra costs borne by the insured over and above the maximum coverage that the insurance company pays. This terminology is especially common in areas of insurance sensitive to loss (like liability insurance) and is addressed by the insurance market through excess line insurance companies through mechanisms like excess insurance, gap insurance, and umbrella insurance. The second is an insurance exception that is (often interchangeably but wrongly) referred to as an excess or a deductible. It is "the first amount of the claim which the insured has bear. If the insured has an excess of $500 and the total repair costs $3,000, then the insured has to pay $500 while the insurer pays the remaining $2,500."[2]. The main difference is as follows. An excess is an amount a policyholder must bear before the liability passes to the insurer (subject to the sum insured). A deductible is an amount withheld by the insurer from the claim amount paid to the policyholder. The effect of an excess or deductible are the same if the claim amount is fully covered, but differ when the claim amount exceeds that maximum insured value. WAD Alexander Demidov); excess (Англия raf)
fin. franchise
IMF. franchise (retailing)
insur. reduction franchise (освобождение страховщика от убытков, не превышающих определенного процента от страховой оценки Featus); deductible franchise; retention (Andrew052)
law franchise license (give a franchise license to another person sankozh)
O&G, sakh. deductibles (страховка, см. Полиглоссум)
: 118 phrases in 19 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
American usage, not spelling1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development3
International Monetary Fund1
Sakhalin R1
Stock Exchange1