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филистимлянин nstresses
hist., bible.term. Philistine (Philistine, one of a people of Aegean origin who settled on the southern coast of Palestine in the 12th century bce, about the time of the arrival of the Israelites. According to biblical tradition (Deuteronomy 2:23; Jeremiah 47:4), the Philistines came from Caphtor (possibly Crete, although there is no archaeological evidence of a Philistine occupation of the island). The first records of the Philistines are inscriptions and reliefs in the mortuary temple of Ramses III at Madinat Habu, where they appear under the name prst, as one of the Sea Peoples that invaded Egypt about 1190 bce after ravaging Anatolia, Cyprus, and Syria. After being repulsed by the Egyptians, they settled—possibly with Egypt's permission—on the coastal plain of Palestine from Joppa (modern Tel Aviv–Yafo) southward to Gaza. The area contained the five cities (the Pentapolis) of the Philistine confederacy (Gaza, Ashkelon [Ascalon], Ashdod, Gath, and Ekron) and was known as Philistia, or the Land of the Philistines. It was from this designation that the whole of the country was later called Palestine by the Greeks.)
relig. Philistine (1. A native or inhabitant of ancient Philistia; 2. A person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artistic values)
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филистимляне n
gen. народ, населявший с 12 в. до н. э. юго-восточное побережье Средиземного м., из числа "народов моря". Войны филистимлян с иудеями отражены в ряде древневосточных сказаний. В 8 в. до н. э. покорёны Ассирией. От филистимлян происходит название Палестина. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
филистимлянин: 1 phrase in 1 subject