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gen. fictitious marriage; mock marriage; bogus marriage; left-handed marriage; fictive marriage; shill marriage (Marina Serzhan); fake marriage (ART Vancouver); marriage fraud (Holly Golightly); pro forma marriage (carried out to meet a certain legal requirement); false marriage (a marriage of convenience entered into without intending to create a real marital relationship. Syn: sham marriage; fake marriage: Don't get involved in a false marriage. It's a crime to marry a Canadian citizen or permanent resident simply to gain entry to Canada. wiktionary.org 'More)
busin. pro forma marriage
law sham marriage (A marriage of convenience entered into purely for the purpose of gaining a benefit or other advantage arising from that status, usually with the intent of deceiving public officials or society about its purpose.|| comment by ART Vancouver: термин часто применяется в расследованиях случаев иммиграционного мошенничества)
sociol. marriage in name only (Andrey Truhachev); marriage of convenience (Andrey Truhachev); marriage on paper (Andrey Truhachev)
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