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физическая культура и спортstresses
gen. physical training and sports (I am a retired Royal Marine Physical Training and Sports Officer with a wealth of experience in adventurous training and combat operations. During my 25 years ... – АД); fitness and sports (max UK hits – АД ДВ); physical fitness and sports (min UK hits Lavrov); fitness and sports (max UK hits. пропаганда физической культуры и спорта среди детей и подростков: ... the position of Chair of the Council, and by instituting, in 1972, the Presidential Sports Award to further promote fitness and sports among children of all ages. Alexander Demidov); physical training and sports (I am a retired Royal Marine Physical Training and Sports Officer with a wealth of experience in adventurous training and combat operations. During my 25 years ... Alexander Demidov)
физическая культура и спорт
: 26 phrases in 6 subjects
Foreign affairs1
Trade unions1