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у него голова шла кругом
 у него голова идёт кругом
gen. his brain is in a whirl; his head is spinning
Makarov. his head is in a whirl; his head is swirling; his thoughts are in a whirl
 у него голова шла кругом
gen. his head was in a spin
| от
gen. of; off
| всего
gen. altogether
| увиденного
gen. I will be seeing you
| и
gen. and
| услышанного
gen. hear

to phrases
у него голова идёт кругомstresses
gen. his brain is in a whirl; his head is spinning
Makarov. his head is in a whirl; his head is swirling; his thoughts are in a whirl
у него голова шла кругом
gen. his head was in a spin
Makarov. his head was spinning like a top
у него голова шла кругом: 4 phrases in 2 subjects