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учредительные договорыstresses
mil. founding Treaties
учредительный договор
gen. deed of incorporation (gennier); pre-incorporation contract (A pre-incorporation agreement is entered into by the corporate promoters, who form the company by filing its Articles of Incorporation. Since the corporation has not been formed yet, it cannot be a party to the agreement. If the corporation is not formed or if it fails to adopt the agreement, the promoters can be held personally liable for any breach of the agreement. chron.com Alexander Demidov); foundation agreement (Existing LLCs need to bring their charters and foundation agreements in line with the Amendment Law. DBiRF Alexander Demidov); pre incorporation contract (A pre incorporation contract is one which is purportedly made by or on behalf of a corporation at a time when the corporation has not yet been incorporated. Because the corporation named in the promoter's contract has not been formed at the time the contract is made, the corporation when formed is not bound by the contract. However, adoption of the contract is anticipated by the parties to the contract. If the corporation in fact adopts the contract, then it will assume those rights and liabilities set out in the contract. When a promoter enters into a contract on behalf of a corporation to be formed, the promoter may be considered personally liable to meet the obligations of the corporation if for some reason the corporation is not formed or does not adopt the contract. When the pre-incorporation contract is made, the corporation is not in existence and therefore cannot be a party to the contract. The promoter thus must be a party to the contract, and, under agency law principles, the promoter will be personally bound as an agent acting on behalf of a non-existent principal. http://definitions.uslegal.com/p/pre-incorporation-contract/ Alexander Demidov); articles of association; memorandum of association (VictorMashkovtsev); Founders Agreement (Lavrov); articles of association (1. • a written agreement embodying the purposes or other terms and conditions of the association of a number of persons for the prosecution of a joint enterprise; specifically • a written agreement duly executed and filed so as to have the force of a charter under general incorporation laws 2. • a written agreement that in England under the Companies Act may accompany the memorandum of association of a company with a liability limited by shares, that must accompany that of a company with a liability limited by guarantee or unlimited, and that prescribes the regulations for the government of the company. WTNI Alexander Demidov); shareholder's agreement (kee46); Incorporation Agreement (Johnny Bravo)
brit. corporate memorandum (Alexander Matytsin)
EBRD articles of incorporation (Alexander Demidov)
econ. article of incorporation (dimock)
law Deed of Association (в документах из Чехии, Венгрии Leonid Dzhepko); incorporation deed (NeiN); Constituent Agreement (yo); constitutional charter (панамской компании tlumach); deed of establishment (Alexander Matytsin); Founding Agreement (термин предложен Olgerts Eglitis (proZ) Maria Klavdieva); standard articles (как синоним Articles of Association lew3579); operating agreement (один из учредительных документов LLC в некоторых штатах США, наряду с уставом – Articles of Organization. Vadim Rouminsky); certificate of formation (Vetrenitsa); Articles of Incorporation (US) CrossRate); memorandum of association (UK, Cyprus bellb1rd); memorandum of association UK (CrossRate)
law, contr. memorandum (denis_klimets)
USA certificate of incorporation (The instrument by which a private corporation is formed, under general statutes, executed by several persons as incorporators. and setting forth the name of the proposed corporation, the objects for which it is formed, and such other particulars as may be required or authorized by law. and filed in some designated public office as evidence of the corporate existence. This is properly distinguished from a "charter," which is a direct legislative grant of corporate existence and powers to named individuals; but practically the certificate of incorporation or "articles of incorporation" will contain the same enumeration of corporate powers and description of objects and purposes as a charter. dzamaia)
Учредительный договор
busin. Charter (публично доступный документ, в котором описываются цели создания фонда и общие принципы его деятельности Natalya Rovina)
 Russian thesaurus
учредительный договор
gen. договор между учредителями участниками о создании юридического лица. В учредительном договоре учредители обязуются создать юридическое лицо, определяют порядок совместной деятельности по его созданию, условия передачи ему своего имущества и участия в его деятельности, а также условия и порядок распределения между участниками прибыли и убытков, управления деятельностью юридического лица, выхода учредителей участников из его состава. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
учредительные договоры
: 19 phrases in 6 subjects
Corporate governance1