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gen. cede; be inferior to; sell; abate; give way; give
| по
gen. unto
| твёрдости
gen. firmness

verb | verb | to phrases
уступать vstresses
gen. cede (в споре); be inferior to; sell; abate; give way; give (силе, давлению); acquiesce; concede (что-либо); succumb; resign; comply; consent; defer; deliver; listen (просьбе, искушению); relinquish (кому-либо: At 80 he still refuses to relinquish control of the company. cambridge.org); vail; be inferior (в чём-либо); fall in (с кем-либо); give ground; give in; give up; step back; cave in; knock under; knuckle down; stand down; assent (просьбе); cave; trail (напр, this magazine is the second most commonly read publication, trailing only The Wall Street Journal Olga Okuneva); make concessions; give away; gratify (возражениям); lose ground; back off (ART Vancouver); knuckle under; meet someone half-way (кому-либо); climb down (в споре); ease up; back down (в споре Taras); come short of (в чём-либо); give place to; go down; let; surrender; accede (Lavrov); Yield; give room to (чему-либо Ремедиос_П); afford; alienate; yield; yield to something (чем-либо; автомобилям (при попытке въезда на главную дорогу с второстепенной) (в этом смысле глагол "yield" используется в американском и ирландском английском), требованиям TarasZ); bend ("Until we're all brain patterns on computers, there are still forces that do not bend to our wants, including senescence and death. (You'll talk like this, too, when you hit 40.)" – John Hodgman, The New York Times, 21 Dec. 2018 george serebryakov); indulge (to indulge a craving for chocolate alikssepia); offer any flexibility (при переговорах sankozh); bend to (Abysslooker); bate; buckle; come into; come to; demit; give out; give over; grant; indulge; knuckle; knuckle to; lin; lyn; make over; be overmatched; ply; quail; relax; release; spare; swerve; temporize; transfer; truckle; let have; yield ground; bow out; bend (кому-либо); bow; relent; stoop to; roll over (You shouldn't just roll over and give in when your kids want something. VLZ_58); lose; stoop; submit (кому-либо; the citizens of a republic are obliged cheerfully to submit to constitutional majority determinations eugenealper); compromise (Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik let have
Игорь Миг bow to; get outplayed by; cede ground to
amer. be out-grossed by (кому-либо в чём-либо Hirudora); budge (в чём-либо: I tried to persuade him, but he wouldn't budge Val_Ships)
busin. assent to; assign something to (someone); что-либо, кому-либо Johnny Bravo)
econ. stand down (право)
fig. creak (под воздействием чего-либо Abysslooker); cede ground (ZolVas)
fin. underperform (yerlan.n); afford (по определённой цене)
geol. recede
Gruzovik, inf. let have for less (impf of уступить); let go at a reduced price (impf of уступить); sell at a reduced price (impf of уступить); reduce the price (impf of уступить)
inf. let go; let have (for less); reduce the price; sell (at a reduced price); relent (в чём-либо; She negotiated first but finally relented. Val_Ships); deduct; knock off (a certain amount from a price); yield (with dat., to); succumb (to); give in (to); be inferior (to); be second (to)
invect. come across (согласие женщины на половой акт)
law remise (право, имущество); bate (в цене Право международной торговли On-Line); devest (собственность); relinquish (кому-либо)
law, ADR rebate (в цене)
law, Makarov. transfer (имущество и т.п.)
law, notar. assign (a right)
Makarov. back; cede (территорию, права и т.п.); defer (чьим-либо желаниям); give under; give way to (место); retreat; weaken; fall in (кому-либо); fall back (дорогу); acquiesce in; be inferior to (someone); в чём-либо; кому-либо); bend before (кому-либо); bend to (кому-либо); comply with; concede to (someone – кому-либо); make something over to (someone – кому-либо что-либо); resign to; succumb to; vail to; vail unto
mart.arts sacrifice (положение, инициативу и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
math. be inferior to (по качеству: steel is inferior in strength to some plastics)
mining. yield (под воздействием усилий)
mus. not measure up (to | ч.л. e.g. Some fans felt that Damageplan's material did not measure up to that of Pantera Phyloneer)
notar. award (something); cede (territory); make a concession
obs. surrendry
paraglid. give place; get out of the way; flow out of the way
patents. cede (напр., право на патент)
shipb. abase
slang kiss up to (someone – кому-либо Interex); give up (Mick got the ball in his hands and didn't give it up. == Мик завладел мячом и не уступил его сопернику.); give way (Mick and John kept asking Jane's mother if Jane could go with them and the woman finally gave way. == Мик и Джон все время уговаривали маму Джейн отпустить дочь вместе с ними, и в конце концов женщина сдалась.)
sport. concede
уступаться v
gen. cede (to); give in; give up; succumb (to); surrender; yield (to); be inferior (to)
inf. let have (for less); rebate; reduce the price; sell (at a reduced price)
law devest (о собственности)
уступаемый prtc.
gen. concessive
уступать кому-л. v
gen. fit with (что-л.); back down from (стороне конфликта: I know that bully drivers try to do sh1t like this all the time. I never back down from bully drivers and I will always take a stand against them. -- я никогда не уступаю автохамам ART Vancouver)
уступаемый prtc.
law assignable (Alexander Matytsin)
уступая v
gen. yieldingly
переуступать v
law transmit (права, имущество)
: 365 phrases in 45 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Aviation medicine3
British usage, not spelling1
Energy industry2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development5
Explanatory translation1
Foreign policy2
Mass media12
Obsolete / dated1
Proper and figurative2
Road traffic1
Uncommon / rare1