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устроиться на работу
 устроить на работу
gen. get someone a job; fix up for a job
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg

to phrases
устроиться на работуstresses
gen. join a work (yahoo.com Victor Topol; На английском фраза не имеет смысла, лучше сказать find a job, к примеру. NL1995); find a situation; find a job (Smantha); land a job (Vladimir N. Rybin); get a job (SirReal); find employment (Alexander Demidov); get oneself a job (источник – goo.gl dimock); enter a job (How should one handle salary negotiations when entering a job which has a general market value of over double the value of any other job he has ever held? VLZ_58); join in a job (make efforts to see that you complete all the formalities and join in a job before this validity ceases. VLZ_58); take up a job (кем-либо – as: They would end up at Cambridge, where Dan got a position as a postdoctoral research assistant in the department of engineering, Esther took up a job as a personal trainer, and it seemed that life was great until a series of hurdles caused them to reassess their lives. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver); obtain work
HR, inet. be joining (Excited to say I'm joining @politico to helm the Morning Transportation newsletter and report on infrastructure, supply chains and all sorts of transportation issues. Alex_Odeychuk)
устроить кого-либо на работу
gen. get someone a job; fix up for a job
устроить кого-л. на работу
inf. fix smb. up with a job
устроить на работу
O&G get job (Yeldar Azanbayev)
устроиться на работу: 43 phrases in 8 subjects
Human resources4
Labor law1